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Înțelegerea acestor PRINCIPII îți dau putere. Faptul că noi credem că nu este suficient ne conduce constructiv la a căuta soluții alternative și:
Găsește soluția pentru libertatea financiară și evită cele mai sabotoare GÂNDURI toxice care te împiedică, în cel mai silențios mod posibil, să ajungi la prosperitate financiară!
New York, NY
Let’s face it. Divorce sucks!
Pain. Heartache. Anxiety. Stress. Guilt. Shame. These are just a few emotions you experience when you live through the “Big D.”
Add to that the emotional trauma your kids have to endure, and come to the realization that the man or woman you once said, “I love you” to is now your opponent at best, but more than likely your enemy. You have a recipe for disaster.
Smiles and precious memories have been traded for anger and tears as your “happily ever after” has been turned into your greatest nightmare.
The lawyer and therapy bills are piling up, and you’re just not sure you can endure even another day.
Sometimes, you just want to be rescued and swept away from the horror of this painful experience.
Hi, I’m Dr. Erica Ellis, and I’m one of America’s leading authorities on child-centered divorces. I help people just like you get through divorces while protecting your kids from emotional trauma, redefine your relationship with your ex, and save thousands of dollars on legal and therapy fees.
What if there was a way to create a healthy “post-divorce” environment where you are in control, your kids are emotionally protected, and you saved thousands of dollars on legal fees and therapy bills?
What if it were possible to get through the divorce and everyone involved suffered as little damage possible.
Here’s what you need to know: Your ex is not the problem!
In fact, after working with hundreds of couples through “child-centered” divorces I’ve come to learn you do NOT NEED your ex to cooperate in order for you to have a healthy relationship.
You have the power and means to create any type of solution you want.
If you want a positive relationship you can have one.
If you want a negative and toxic relationship you can have that as well.
If you want your kids to be protected you can have it.
It’s so easy to get in a relationship blame game where we are constantly pointing fingers…
But, the more you blame the more you actually give him/her the power of the relationship.
The system is rigged against you.
Lawyers, therapists, family members, and even clergy have a tendency to drive you and your ex even further apart, destroying any chance of you working together to do what is best for your kids.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
With the right framework and intentional strategy you can actually rise above your painful emotions, set new expectations for your relationship with your ex, and build the foundation for a healthy post-divorce for your kids.
This is exactly why I created my free guide: The Child-Centered Divorce Starter Kit to help you learn a new framework for having a “healthy divorce.” And yes, there is such a thing.
It’s time to rise up and take control.
It’s time to redefine this relationship.
It’s time your kids have at least one parent that’s willing to put their own needs aside and do whatever it takes to protect them from the fallout and make this process easier for them
In this free guide, I want to show you how to position yourself as the authority in the relationship that is armed with cutting edge tactics that allow you to control your divorce, instead of it controlling you.
I’ll teach you exactly what to do, what to say, and even how to act.
Download this free guide today, and take control of the situation and protect yourself, your children, and even your ex from the devastating trauma divorce can bring.
See you on the other side.